Monday, June 8, 2015

Books, Music, and Prints Sale to Benefit The Lilly Library

Some of you might be interested in this event:

2015 E. Southdowns Drive (High Street end; brick house, large circular drive)

SUNDAY June 14, 10AM to 6 PM
Most paperbacks $1; most hardbacks $2.00

You are cordially invited to a sale of  books and related items to benefit the Lilly Library.  

The general interest books include fiction and poetry from all periods, children’s classics and fantasy, travel, garden, detective fiction (very good selection), cookbooks, art and artists.  Some new in their paper covers, appropriate for giftgiving.

Academic books include Shakespeare plays and criticism, literary theory and criticism, history of the book, art history, Renaissance literature, dictionaries and reference works. Also anthropology and social studies

Included in the sale will be a  selection of  framed and unframed prints(architectural, English landscape, floral, etc.), and home library furniture (reading chairs, bookcases, lamps, etc.)

Also: Sheet Music:  piano (Peters editions etc.), violin (Suzuki to professional level), vocal, and organ. Classical LP records (operas, etc.), and CDs (and LP and CD players).

For further information, email:

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